Newbury, MA
February 22, 2017
Peabody, MA
February 22, 2017The Town of North Andover is home to almost 30,000 people. The Town is proud to provide excellent full-time police and fire service. Street maintenance, curbside solid waste and recycling services, hazardous waste and drop-off recycling, and snow removal are administered by our Department of Public Works. The Stevens Memorial Library provides a full range of services to its patrons. The Department of Youth Services operates recreational opportunities at Stevens Pond and extensive programs from our Youth Center located in the Old Center. A vibrant Senior Center, located behind Town Hall on Main Street, provides services, programs, and assistance to over 6,000 seniors. Our Community Development Division oversees public health, natural resource protection, building services, zoning and planning issues, and business development. Our award-winning Water Treatment Plant and operation provides residents and businesses with an outstanding product. Our renovated Town Hall, located at 120 Main Street, houses our administrative offices. The Town Manager, Selectmen’s Office, Town Accountant, Assessor’s Office, Tax Collector, Veterans’ Services, and Town Clerk’s Office are there to provide the efficient, professional service you need.
North Andover takes great pride in providing excellent education for all our students. All five elementary schools, our Middle School, North Andover High School, and the Greater Lawrence Technical School, reflect our rich tradition and accomplishments. Community growth necessitated school building projects to meet its expanding needs. These projects included the new Annie Sargent Elementary School, the new Thomson School, a complete renovation of our Middle School, and the new North Andover High School and stadium. The “North Andover High School Scarlet Knights” of today carry on a rich tradition of competition and sportsmanship through all its athletic endeavors. The North Andover High School Marching Band, Chorus, Drama, Arts Programs, and other extra-curricular activities provide excellent learning opportunities and experiences.
Merrimack College, a private college, opened in 1947 and now has over 2000 students. Brooks School, opened in 1926 and located on the shores of Lake Cochichewick, is a co-educational boarding and day school with over 340 students.
North Andover offers opportunity for all ages to participate and volunteer. Visit the links section of our website for a complete list of recreational groups, fraternal organizations, committees and boards, and what’s happening in Town.
North Andover was selected by Money Magazine in 2003 as the “Fifth Best Community to live in on the East Coast”.
North Andover is one of the first communities in Massachusetts to take advantage of the Community Preservation Act (CPA). CPA provides a funding source which can be used to address the following community concerns: acquisition and preservation of open space, creation and support of affordable housing, acquisition and preservation of historic buildings and landscapes, and creation and support of recreational opportunities.